Phalloplasty Surgery
Hey yall, so I’ve been getting pretty dysphoric about my genitalia here recently. I had a hysterectomy this past December. It’s helped a bit, but I think I just want a penis now. It’s starting to affect my mental health a bit, so just wanting to hear some input from anyone who had Phalloplasty surgery. I looked into all the different types of surgery you can get for it, I’ve decided Phalloplasty is the one that best suits my wants/needs. Anyone that had it, can you tell me a bit about how the surgery went for you? How’s recovery? How is the result, is it everything you wanted/needed? Is sex still enjoyable for you, if that was a want/need? If you had it done in or around KY, would you mind to share the name of the surgeon? I currently live in KY-but I also don’t know how much longer I’ll live here with some of the laws they are trying to push. Thank yall!