'Don't worry so much, everyone does it!'

Local parents group and of the 21 comments, mine is the only one telling the person they need to be paying closer attention to what they're doing behind the wheel of a car and that this could've been so much worse.

Double the speed in a residential neighborhood. They could've killed children if they were playing outside! This could've ended so much more poorly than a fricking ticket. I hope they stay guilty feeling, though I bet the other people in the group are gonna dogpile on me and how 'they already feel terrible' (not terrible enough in my opinion), 'I bet you've never sped!' (I absolutely have and thank God I didn't hurt someone, but I save my dangerous driving/riding for closed racetracks now and prefer my bicycle for around town stuff), or 'everyone does it' (so??? That doesn't make it okay!).

And they're parents. Do better, local people, do better.

Local parents group and of the 21 comments, mine is the only one telling the person they need to be paying closer attention to what they're doing behind the wheel of a car and that this could've been so much worse.

Double the speed in a residential neighborhood. They could've killed children if they were playing outside! This could've ended so much more poorly than a fricking ticket. I hope they stay guilty feeling, though I bet the other people in the group are gonna dogpile on me and how 'they already feel terrible' (not terrible enough in my opinion), 'I bet you've never sped!' (I absolutely have and thank God I didn't hurt someone, but I save my dangerous driving/riding for closed racetracks now and prefer my bicycle for around town stuff), or 'everyone does it' (so??? That doesn't make it okay!).

And they're parents. Do better, local people, do better.