Welcome to the Official Election for the new moderator

Hey Furnaces

The official election for choosing a new moderator for our community is up!

Here is the list of names of candidates in alphabetical order who submitted their names. Click on the blank boxes to reveal them.(Serial number is the number on the left side of the names).

  1. 51boiledpotatos

  2. Agentredishred

  3. Comradefurnace

  4. FrenchFurnace

  5. Furnaceunfucker

  6. ihatefurnaces

  7. Kawaiifurnace

  8. Panmanpaul

  9. PlsFmeifuckfurnaces

  10. Unfortunatefurnace

  11. Upsidedownfurnace

  12. Veryhighfurnace

  13. Vsausefurnace

#Rules for Voting:

  1. Find the serial number of your favorite candidate on the list and comment under the voting post with "I vote #". Replace # with the serial number of the candidate.

  2. Only voting comments are allowed—no other types of comments are accepted.

  3. Anti-fake voting protocols are in place. Votes from accounts less than 48 hours old will not be counted.

  4. If an account is found to be an alt account of a candidate, that candidate will get disqualified.

  5. A comment that follows rule 1,3 and 4 will receive a confirmation reply immediately. That way you will know your vote got registered.

#Remember, if any candidate is found to be harrassing a voter for not voting them, they will get disqualified.

Voting will continue for the next 24 hours. Make your voice heard!

— The Furnace Mod Team