Looking for good videos to explain being a furry :)

hi there! I'm (22 y/o, AuDHD) farely new to the whole furry community, but I've always loved drawing and cosplaying. I've 'confessed' to my partner that I'd like to dress up with ears, a tail and some cute gloves to the next convention to be myself, and they reacted quite suprised/shocked.

Not in a judgy way, but more in a "i dont understand it" way. I wanted to ask you guys, if there are some videos out there that you find good, to explain what it means to be a furry. To debunk the stereotypes n stuff. They're very open to communicate and learn, we just dont know where to start. I just wanna feel cute :3

Also, I did read a lot of posts already on here, but they were all about someone being really judgy. I'm just looking for good videos to have an open conversation.