Need help

I consistently go 9-12 wins in champs, sometimes 13, usually its 10ish.

I have a lethal squad.

I have just gone 5-10. Idk what happened. I lost games in the last 10-15 minutes. One game I was 7-0 up at the 80th minute , lost 8-7.

Every game was the same, I scored and dominated and then all of a sudden couldn’t hit a pass to save my life, shots kept missing or hitting the crossbar, defenders out of position and ball just bouncing to the opponent time and time again.

Anyways, idk if they upped the pressure or what but in the end my players were hugged by theirs and they wouldn’t move to receive a pass just tracking behind the opponent leaving them space to intercept and at the counter my CBs kept moving away from the ball.

Maybe I wasn’t into it, maybe it was something else.

I ran 4-3-1-2, 4-2-2-2, 4-2-4 and 4-4-2, 4-2-2-2 gave the best results

But what I can do to make sure my players hit a some passes? And has the mechanics changed cos my WW vini was pocketed by gold gabriel for one game, couldn’t run past him. Idk man. I am just shook.