Here me out: Game crash in Champs happens when you beat the script

Every week in Champs the game crashes once for me. Always exclusive when I score to take the lead at some point. I am always at 9-11 wins. Now I'm at 11 with 2 games left. The 14th match is super sweaty but I am better. Curtuouis was doing miracles in goal for my opponent 12 shots on goal (legit great shots) and he saved 11. While my Casillas let in one stinker on two shots. 87th crashes right after I score. I probably wouldn't have scored if my opponent didn't make the dumb mistake to rush out with his GK. He would've made another miracle save

Last match right after that I face a team with TOTY Rodi, TOTY Salah, WW Hamm, NumeroFUT Militao, TOTY Carvajal, FS Yamal etc. You already know I lost..gave me best though and the game kept pulling bullshit on me.. Thuram literally dribbled with the ball, overran the ball and stopped 5m before the GK 😂 14 ping btw.

I'm convinced you're not supposed to win more than you always do. Like you can't beat your 9-11 range. I was never once on the receiving end of a game crash, always exclusive when I take the lead and when I'm en route to beat my best score.

Thoughts? Anyone experienced the same?