Chapter 122 and why I'm really loving this arc
So, this arc initally seemed like an intermediary arc before the next big arc, but it's already paying off really well. Like for starters, we find out the true purpose of the cleaners and now Rudo is taking his first mission.
This chapter was just brilliant. I think it's really a testament to how much Rudo has grown as a character. Early Rudo would have definitely slapped Follo, espcially after he mentioned Rudo's backstory, but I like how Rudo keeps bringing up good points to counter Follo while also not apologizing because he really hasn't done anything wrong.
Follo's insecurity is jumping out, and he's lashing out at Rudo, I think Rudo realises this when Follo mentions his backstory. Ngl, I thought Rudo would hit him, but he simply tells him that if anyone is using their life as a shield, it's Follo. This clearly hits a nerve, because Follo wanted to hit a nerve, but luckily, Rudo has grown (everyone say thank you Enjin).
Now, I've seen a few people try to paint it like both sides are wrong or there's some sort of miscommunication, but I don't it's there. I think Follo's insecurity really just peaks around Rudo particularly because Rudo is essentially the new guy, but he's that guy. So, he lashes out at Rudo over what is larrgely a non issue.
Rudo was right to tell Follo to move out the way, Follo isn't a giver and Follo realises this, but he isn't being logical. We've all been angry at some point, and you know you aren't being rational, but that doesn't matter, when you're angry, you're angry. The last thing you want to hear is someone telling you exactly what your issue is, which is excactly what Rudo does and why Follo lashes out. And that's why I don't think it's a miscommunication, Follo isn't interested in communicating but Rudo keeps coming at it from a logical angel
So, let's look at the start. Follow throws a bunch of accusations at Rudo, but Rudo easily rebuffs them because Rudo knows himself. He's no longer that hotheaded child that was dropped, he's grown and can admit his faults. So, he simply askes, "When did I get a big head? When did I look down on anybody"
Side note: I love the fact that he didn't apologize, but rather confronted Follo. Idk, I feel like those overly nice shounen MCs would have apologized, which would not lead to such an interesting convo.
Rudo basically tells Follo that he's delusional and Follo tries another angle saying Rudo has been treating him a certain way but then Rudo is curious about what exactly he did and asks Follo but agains, Follo doesn't care about being logical. So he just rants about cleaners and reading people.
And again Rudo confronts him (I love this kid). And Rudo is right, Follo just blew up and didn't explain anything, but Follo starts getting personal. We see a little flashback when he mentions how he makes a mess and someone else has to clean it.
And Follo is not exactly wrong, but Rudo is no longer that child, he's slowly learning responsibility and thinking about others. I feel like Engin's convo with Rudo after the Amo incident is a major driving point to get Rudo to this point. You can also see this when he doesn't want to get angry at the information broker, and the broker even comments about it loll (ironically, Rudo crashes out shortly afterwards in the funniest way possible).
Of course, this catches Rudo off guard and Follo uses it to press further, because he wants to get a reaction out of Rudo. He wants Rudo angry, like him. But once again, Rudo rebuffs him by saying how Follo is the one using his life as a shield to lash out, and he hit the nail on the head.
That's why Follo attacks him, Rudo keeps refusing to rise to the bait. Again, no miscommunication, just one person trying to drag down the other person but the other person refuses
Now, another reason I'm enjoying this arc is because Riyo is also getting some attention. I thought Riyo liked Rudo at the start, but then nothing really happened between them, so I assumed I misread (I didn't). Plus, the story introduced Amo. So I really enjoyed the chapter when Riyo came back, and was looking for Rudo after he forced the broker to apologize. I have no idea how the romance in the story will go, but I do enjoy how Rudo has unintentional rizz loll and here we are, 2 cliffhangers.
But I don't think Rudo will crash out. This is his first mission, and there's a trash beast that might distract him, but he did seem very angry in the last panel. But I think this is just the usual spat between friends, and they'll overcome it. He has every right to be angry, which is why I think he'll contain himself. Since he has grown, the story is giving him new challenges. How will he handle this? It will say a lot about his character and mental growth.
It's funny, because I assumed this was just gonna be a little fun side quest arc before the next major arc but we're getting major character moments and I'm loving it.
I say this alot, but Gachiakuta is really bringing back that old classic shounen adventure vibe. And I think the story goes a step further in just overall presentation. There have been a lot of interesting battle shounen recently, but Gachiakuta still feels so fresh and different. I also think the story does a great job with momentum and building on the previous chapter.
TL;DR: I love how the both of their personalities come off in this chapter. I like how you can see Rudo's maturity with how he answers Follo. I also like that Follo's insecurity blinds him to Rudo trying to make peace. One of my fav chapters for sure because of just how it's focused on these 2 characters and how their personality and current mind state really shines through. I like how this arc is focusing on the characters.