You Can Pair a Replacement Galaxy Bud Pro, here's how.

I've seen a lot of people saying you can't pair a replacement Galaxy Bud Pro with another pair, and that you need to have Samsung do it for you. This isn't true at least in my experience, I recently lost my right Bud and bought a replacement on eBay for $40 and after a bit of trial and error I managed to successfully pair them with my case and left ear bud. Because of how many people say it doesn't work I figured I'd make a guide on how I got them to pair. I only have done this once, and that was with my Galaxy Bud Pros so I don't know if it will work for everyone with every other model of Galaxy bud.

Step 1. Make sure your original bud is up to date.

As a pre requisite open the Galaxy Wearable app and make sure your original bud is on the newest firmware available.

Step 2. Pair your new Bud with the case.

Put both Buds inside the case and close it for about 5 seconds. Open the case and press your fingers gently on each bud until the light starts flashing green. Once the light stops flashing your new Bud should be the only one connected to the case.

Step 3. Update the new Buds firmware.

Just repeat step 1 with the new Bud.

Step 4. Pair the Buds with the case.

Same process as Step 2.

Step 5. Enjoy having your Galaxy Buds back.

Hopefully they'll connect with each other and it'll all work if it doesn't please leave a comment saying so.