Add official GMail widget to cover screen!

Hi all! Developer of CoverWidgets here!

I am making a series of widget discovery posts (& tutorial) for our cover screens, showcasing what's possible.

Offifcial GMail widget on cover screen:

How to add GMail widget to cover screen?

  • Install CoverWidgets from Google Play Store.
  • Once you open the App, click on any slot and select GMail widget.
  • Once you add and configure the widget, click on the switch beside the slot, this will take you to Samsung's system settings, where you have to turn on the particular slot.
  • That's it, fold your phone, GMail should be on your cover screen.
  • Incase your email is not loading or the widget is stuck on loading screen, just click on the switch of widget slot in CoverWidgets > System settings > turn off/on the particular slot.

You can similarly try to add other widgets, I will make more posts on which widgets work great with CoverWidgets. Let me know if you need any assistance in setting it up!