If Doctor Who had infinite budget, what wild and crazy things would you want to see?
Obviously, a big part of Doctor Who's charm is its low budget and the kind of miracles it can often pull off with said budget... but let's dream big, people.
DW has infinite budget, resources and time. You can do a crazy setpiece, set, creature, whatever you want with said resources.
Also, let's try to avoid "Show the Time War as it should be", ok? It's such a large concept, I think it's one of those things that's best described and left to the imagination than showing, I dunno, a giant baby made out of nebulas and stars eating Davros' ship or whatever you think The Nightmare Child should be.
I have two ideas, one for a feature film and the other just a cool scene I came up with.
The film would be a standalone adventure with a big budget, kind of like the Star Trek movies, mainly First Contact as this one would deal with the Cybermen. If we got infinite budget, I want to see a planet that's been almost fully Cyberconverted and now works as a kind of homebase for the Cybermen.
I want a junkyard full of defective, half converted Cybermen, in the rain and mud, all squirming about looking creepy as hell!
I want every kind of Cyberman design the show's ever had, from Tenth Planet to Ascension of the Cybermen!
I want body horror at detail we have not seen yet!
Skyscraper tall, shining metal buildings! A crazy, new and complex Cyberplanner design! Some crazy action scenes involving flying motorcycle type things!
All the stuff you could never, ever do on a TV Budget or TV content limitations.
The other one, more lowkey, MIGHT be doable but it would require a lot of time, choreography and performers that the show just doesn't have.
I'd love an episode (probably a two-parter) about a confrontation between the Draconians and the Ice Warriors, highlighting the difference between the two Warrior races. The Doctor is trying to help make peace between the two sides and there's even some progress made as the two greatest warriors from both sides start forming a friendship and respect between each other.
The discussions don't work out well, though, but a compromise is made that two representatives of each side have a one on one duel to end the conflict, a duel that shall only end with the death of one or the other, determining the victorious side. Naturally enough, the two great warriors are sent out.
Imagine, straight out of a Kurosawa film with a tinge of sci-fi:
A gorgeous alien sky at a kind of sunset, illuminated in perfect, bright oranges and blues, with a planet, gigantic in the horizon. On a field of strange alien flowers, with blowing petals of strange colors, two combatants meet, observed by The Doctor, Companions and the leaders of their respective civilizations.
A Draconian, in noble regalia, looking very much like detailed silk robes, with the alien equivalent of a sleek samurai sword at his belt, approaches from one end of the field.
From the other, an Ice Lord, cape billowing in the wind, armor glinting from the sunlight, approaches from the other end of the field. At his belt, an alien looking but more European style Broadsword, much heavier looking than the Draconian's sword.
There's some dialogue from The Doctor trying to stop things to no avail and the two combatants do their traditional combat salutes to show respect for their opponents. The each draw swords and the battle commences.
The Draconian is fast and agile, the sword moving like the wind. However, the Ice Lord is well protected by his strong armor and, while his sword is much heavier, he can wield it with impressive deftness. The Draconian jumps, dashes, runs around, moves quickly and strikes often with short slashes. The Ice Lord takes the hits with minimal damage, defending where needed and attacking back with his massive sword, often hitting and cutting the alien flowers on the ground, petals floating about them like mist.
Basically, I want to see this action scene, but just making the setting would be incredibly costly and time consuming, not to mention the outfits to allow the actors to move properly in the scene and actually getting the people necessary to choreograph it and do it. All of that, of course, without taking into account the time to film an action scene of that complexity.
These are the crazy things I'd like to see, what would you like to see?