Do you have an area of game development that demotivates you and how do you deal with it?
Mine is custom UI implementation.
During the development of my game, I had to spend hundreds of hours reworking and reimplementing the UI to the point of it sucking the energy out of me completely every time I have to touch it.
Here for example, every button has to have a conditional hower effect and conditional sounds. Implementing Repeating groups of items, and stats that had to be reworked into a different design. Creating movable tiles, a tile map, tile inventory, etc.
Doing it all from scratch in Gamemaker. Worst part - you can see your design only when you run the damn game.
And the funniest part is that I reimplemented different and complex UIs now so many times in my game (4+) that I find it not even that hard to do. I just dread doing it.
It is quite strange because I can work on some complex challenge, creating a very complex system and it can feel fine to me.
I realised that I procrastinated working on my game for more than a week now (I am solo dev that works after work and outsources music and art). All because of my hatred of UI implementation. Currently, it's my main task.
Do you have some areas like this? How do you deal with it?
My only methods that were useful in the past were:
Doing a very small thing everyday but it is possible to fall out of this one.
Doing some other task, which brings back energy. This one seems to be a good one.
Forcing it in one long session of work. For this one, I really need some magical will power. Not always doable.