Thought it would be fun….

DESPERATELY NEED ADVISE PLEASE?? So, I recently bought a few dildos to switch things up with my new fiance, especially because he doesnt like to top for very long, im verse he says hes verse but i know he just doesnt enjoy it. also, One that i bought was alot bigger than i thought, LIKE HUGE! i showed my man & thought he would be turned off, he didnt say anything. then i showed him the huge one i was going to return, and he said to keep it! i was shocked, i thought theres no way he could handle that. Then a night later, he turns over and tells me to get the big one and use it on him. I thought it was sexy that he was willing to spice things up, but when i got the big one he said NO THE BIG BIG one! Long story short, since that first time, its all he wants, and wants it again an hour after making love using it then 8 hours later when we wake up. its like he wants it as many times as day as possible & doesn’t want me! Of course ive mentioned this to him when he asked for it the 3rd time in 12 hours. He tells me, we will switch off, 1 day me, one day the dildo. but i said, YOU Had that last night, so today it should be my turn. NE Ways Now I Don’t Know, i feel like i brought problems into our bed & wonder why he is now willing to have sex NON STOP multiple times a day with a dildo, when before it was as if he didn’t want sex even a couple times a week with me! Just wondering what people think, is this normal, just a phase or should i throw the dildos in the trash. But Wouldn’t that be spiteful to only think of my feelings? FYI Im not exactly small either, im not HUGE, but not small that he cant enjoy it with me. TY -LOST IN BOSTON HOLDING 11” Phallus