Can someone pls tell me why some consider 2002 as early Z when they are:

  • First 2010s kids
  • Born after 9/11
  • Graduated during the pandemic
  • First 2020s teen
  • First to not remember life before smartphones
  • Didn’t grow up with VHS
  • First to be a child in the mid 2010s
  • Never experienced adult life before Covid
  • Turned 18 in the 2020s
  • Entered K-12 after the release of the smartphone
  • The first “Quaranteens”
  • Can’t remember flip phones or sliders
  • iPad kids
  • Known as the quintessential Gen Z birth year
  • Have mid 00s borns as their peers
  • Never experienced a mid 00s childhood
  • First to grow up with social media
  • First to not remember Bush as President
  • Electropop kids