About some (not all) early 2000s borns
Some (not all) early 2000s borns have this obsession of grouping themselves with 90s borns,saying how they are so simillar to them but at the same time they say how are they so different from mid/late 2000s borns.from 2000 borns crying that some people don't think 2000 is zillennial,from wanting to be millennials (which is against the whole term "millennial" (those who were born in the 20th century but came of age in the 21th century and if you want to be millennials,that's fine but remember that by including 2000 as millennials,you will change who millennials are) to (if i remember correctly) 2003 borns claiming that 2008 borns are closer to 2015 borns than to 2003 borns and saying that they (2003 borns) remember life before high speed internet and smartphonee,which is not true.I have never seen early 80s or early 90s borns saying that they are so different from mid/late 80s/90s borns.Some people say that late decade borns distance themselves from early next decade borns,but i honestly see more early decade borns distancing themselves from mid/late same decade borns.What do you think about it?