How do "GEZ-Verweigerer" do it?
Theoretically, if I moved to a new address, I would get a letter from the GEZ asking about my status and if applicable, payment information. If I ignore that, they will just determine that I need to pay the 18€/month.
If I don't, they'll remind me a few times. If I ignore that, they'll send an admonition, maybe two. All the time, they'll add some fees and percentages, but we don't care about that right now. We won't pay those fees either, of course.
What happens after that? I'd assume it'll end in a court order and either forcing me to pay or seizing some of my property to even the bill.
So how come 3.200.000 people can "refuse" it? Is It just that the reminders are never followed by action? Are these people all in a constant court battle that never goes anywhere?
Please do not write instructions on how to do it (that's against the subreddit's rules). I just want to understand how this state of affairs can exist.