F*ck Your Discipline Systems. Seriously.
Fuck your $75 "life-changing" habit journal that's collecting dust on your shelf.
Fuck your aesthetic morning routine you stole from some CEO's Medium article.
Fuck your perfectly organized "habit stack" you'll abandon by Wednesday.
Fuck your 15 different apps that are supposed to magically make you disciplined.
Fuck your vision board that looks great on Instagram but hasn't changed a damn thing.
Fuck your "I'll start Monday" mentality. It's been 47 Mondays.
You know what real discipline looks like?
It's boring as fuck.
It's doing the thing when you don't want to do the thing. That's it. No fancy apps (though fine, peazehub helps me stay on track), no complex systems, no bullsh*t journals.
You don't need:
- A perfect environment
- The right mood
- Mercury to be out of retrograde
- A new workout outfit
- Another productivity hack
- One more motivational video
You need to stop lying to yourself.
Here's the truth: Every time you buy another planner, download another app, or create another "perfect system," you're just adding more layers of procrastination. More excuses. More ways to avoid the actual f*cking work.
Want real discipline? Here's your system:
Pick ONE thing
Do it when you said you would
Repeat until it sticks
Only then add something else
That's it. That's the whole f*cking system.
Not complicated enough? Doesn't make you feel special? Tough sh*t.
The only reason you have a bed to sleep in and a roof over your head is because your parents and grandparents got shit done without habit trackers. They didn't need "morning routines" or "productivity stacks." They had responsibilities, and they fucking handled them. They didn't tweet about it, they didn't blog about it, they just did what needed to be done.
- Watching "Day in the Life" videos
- Reading about discipline instead of building it
- Making pretty to-do lists you'll never look at
- Waiting for motivation
- Making excuses
- Overcomplicating everything
- Do the damn thing
- Be consistent with ONE thing
- Accept that discipline feels like crap sometimes
- Build momentum through small wins
You already know what you need to do. You're just avoiding it by making it more complicated than it needs to be.
The most disciplined people I know don't post about it on social media. They don't have complex systems. They just show up and do the work. Day after day. Even when it sucks. Especially when it sucks.
Now close Reddit and go do that ONE thing you've been avoiding.
And if you're still reading this, trying to find the "secret" to discipline... there isn't one. There's just doing the f*cking work.
Now go do something useful instead of reading about doing useful things.
And yes, I see the irony in writing this post about not reading posts about discipline. Now seriously, go do something, you procrastinating f*ck.❤️