I miss her and feel lonely
It’s been like 2 months since she ghosted me and blocked me on everything and every night I go to sleep thinking about her. I never wronged her in any way. How could she be so cold hearted? I check her friend’s socials weekly to see if I’m unblocked but I haven’t been. It’s just so unfair. Even after she ghosted me I was graceful and respected her space. There’s nothing I even did for her to be upset about. Why keep me blocked, hasn’t she moved on? Her account is private anyways, it’s not like I’d see what she’s posting or dare request to follow her.
She left with no explanation and I just feel like there must be something wrong with me like I’m not a good or worthy person. Why else would someone discard you like this? There’s no signs to me that she feels remorseful, I can’t imagine doing this to someone else.
In my last text I told her I wasn’t mad and she can reach back out if she wants to talk, it’s been 2 months and she hasn’t yet. I’ve tried to move on but I can’t stop thinking about her. Literally day and night my mind is drawn to her. I’ve gotten better at moving on but I’m not over it yet. Do you think she thinks about me and all the good memories we shared? Does she not care for me? Did she ever even care or was she lying?