Criticism or am I getting old?
I’ve been listening to the giant bomb and the birth of the VMDT. This is about Dan. He never really bothered me, until about three or four months ago. I don’t think it’s anything he did or said; however, a switch was thrown. Dan’s chaotic almost like goblin energy, and willful ignorance just got to me. Maybe it’s cause I’ve invested so much time into the program I want more from Dan. Example the food stuff. The fact that we have all of human knowledge at our hands, if you have a thought do you not look it up, or is this just a me thing? I still listen to every pod except powerbomb (not a fan of wrestling), I love the main and satellite crew. Am I alone in my feelings or am I just getting old?
None of my friends listen to any of the programs so this is my only spot to talk about it.