Research Question Ideas -- Advanced GIS Class
Hi all. I spent months on a map project only to fail to come up with a research question advanced enough for my 400-level GIS class. The deadline is March 31st and if I don't have the project ready to submit to a symposium by then, I won't pass the class.
I know, I "put the cart before the horse" as my professor said. My map shows the spatial distribution of mental illnesses both nationwide and globally-- psychotic disorders, bipolar disorder, clinical depression, and clinical anxiety. I have excellent, solid datasets for everything, and it all translated to a beautiful map in Pro.
But I don't know what my research question is other than the general distribution of each illness. There are no interesting patterns other than that the U.S. tends to score pretty high with all four illnesses. My brain is fried. I don't know what to do.
I'm considering trying to map the prevalence of drunk driving accidents based on how far of a drive it is from colleges to bars, but I don't even know if that's possible with the time I have left. I'm also considering mapping the distribution of sports mascots (MLB, NHL, NBA, Divisions I-III NCAA, and NAIA) and what the most popular species are. But that is probably too basic, too.
TL;DR: I need some advanced project ideas that are still reasonable to achieve. This isn't grad school.
EDIT: I know, "Google is free." Don't tell me again. I'm tired.