Incredible woman at the range told me my swing was beautiful

1000% true story

TLDR: We did not have sex

I was at the range practicing with my long irons. I hit a few draws, nice and high. Really good shots for me. A few misses here and there, but my 14 handicap ass was feeling strong. After about 10 minutes, a woman who has been practicing a few stations away packs up her stuff and starts to leave.

On her way out, she stops to tell me how back in the early 80s she played on some of the mini tours in Florida and that she thought my setting was beautiful. She told me a few stories about her playing days, and sat there while I hit a few more shots. Then she complimented me a few more times and left.

‘Twas an appallingly strange conversation, and I loved every bit of it. No idea if the woman was crazy or experienced or both, but I sure am glad I had that life experience.