Impatient A**holes
Got out to golf yesterday. I have a 3 year old and 4 month old, so I do not get out much these days. Got an early tee time, 3rd or 4th group out (me and a buddy), but stuck behind a slow 4some. No big deal, I'm in no rush. Around hole 6 we finally ask to play through as its starting to affect my rhythm. They grumble a bit but oblige.
Fast forward to #11, the twosome that was originally behind us managed to jump ahead of the foursome as well. I had not seen them tee off on 11 after us. While looking for my ball off the 11th green, I hear someone shout "assholes!" I look up and there's the twosome, standing in the middle of the fairway waiting for us. First time I even noticed them after we passed the foursome. I made a very obvious "jerk off" motion and took my sweet time. We finished out the hole, then I parked in the shade next to the following holes tee box and waited to let these guys pass. As we watched them finish up the hole, both of these idiots were fluffing their lies. I watched one of them kick their ball out of the rough onto the green.
When they finally approached the tee box, I asked him what the problem was, as when we were both stuck behind the foursome we were all commiserating together. He told me we were playing too slow. I told him next time just ask and I'll gladly let you play through. He then told me it's on me to be aware. To an extent, yes, but these guys were playing like they were trying to break a speed golf record. And cheating at the same time. And it's not like they were stuck behind us for several holes and us holding up pace of play. Again, I didn't even see them until they came over the hill from the blind tee shot on 11.
I'll never get it. It's like some guys just want to be angry. Like, it seemed this guy thought we were intentionally playing slow just to piss him off. So much can be solved from proper communication, and it can save so much anger and stress.
Oh, and 3 holes later, we were all backed up again, stuck behind a couple of groups. They left the course without finishing.
Why even play if you're that impatient?
Edit: on a positive note, I shot a 41 on the front and broke 90 for the first time in years! Finished with 87 and 7 pars!
Edit: for those admonishing me for my reaction, was it immature? Yes. But you get the energy you put out in the world. If you're gonna call me an asshole, I'm gonna get my money's worth (never anything physical or threatening). Additionally, I did wait for the purpose of letting them through. The question I asked was "what did I do to make you call me an asshole?" In full sincerity. If I did something truly worthy of the title, please bestow it upon thee. I'm certainly not trying to start a physical confrontation. I don't want to end up on a world star video.