Completely choked at fitting

Went to get fitted for a driver this morning. I have been able to play once this year and have gone to the range several times, no driver issues to report. I actually booked this fitting because I was hitting it so well and figured it was finally time to get a driver optimized for my swing.

The fitting was indoors on a trackman 4. Warming up, I could tell I was a little off, but I figured that might been even better to optimize for days I play just ok.

We get to driver. After a few mediocre but manageable drives, I hit 10 in a row with 107 mph club head speed, 3 degree launch angle, duck hook worm burner 100 yards. No worries, I tell him I tend to start to hit down on driver when I’m missing it and want to optimize my launch anyhow.

We try the GT2 with about 10 different shafts, then the GT2, GT1 and Qi35. All worm burners. Never hit a single shot in the air. After an hour, fitter offers me a refund and says I can come back another time.

How do I get fitted if I can never get out of my head at the fitting?