How did you build your swing?

First off I’m not a good golfer by any means, I just have become fully addicted over the past year or so after casually golfing with my dad for years. I guess I just like to nerd out with gear and mechanics.

I’m curious how other golfers and particularly good golfers or coaches have built there swing?

I began with trying to make consistent contact so I am able to get out on the course and atleast enjoy myself and have began layering in pieces to create more compression and distance. Sometimes it leads to a bit of a downgrade in consistent contact being fat or thin or leading to pushes and pulls while trying to work it all together but I feel my progress has come a long way over the winter by taking this approach.

I am working with a coach now that we are back outside here in Canada, but I find others perspectives helpful when understanding mechanics etc. when I may not fully understand what my coach is trying to explain. I feel I have set of lofty but achievable goals for the coming season so I’m hungry for additional tips and tricks.