Should I remove them as 5 stars
So today I was showing my friend how to use goodreads and we went to my 5 star tags. We came upon a few books from the shatter me series that I had rated 5 star at that time (2023) and she asked me if they were good as she had heard about them on tiktok. I didn't know what to say- I literally did not remember a single thing from those books. Even tried to read my reviews for them and still couldn't remember sh*t about them. And this has got me thinking if they do not deserve to be on there or something cuz I do want my 5 star reads to be memorable and explain to people why I loved them so.
So my question is should I rate them now different or maybe move to a different tag idk I felt so embarrassed today after I literally bragged about my love for reading. And also is this unusual cuz there's not that many books I forget completely.