6 months on GZCLP and incredibly pathetic numbers. End of linear progression this early or doing something horribly wrong?

I know that progression is different for everyone, but I as a healthy male at 23 years old, 5'10", and going from 160 -> 170 lbs feel that my numbers are abnormally low for someone on a linear progression program and previous gym experience (1.5 years on a hypertrophy program using smith machines)

I started GZCLP last year in August and worked my way up very slowly to what I think are pretty pathetic numbers which are as follows:

T1 Bench (incredibly disappointing): 90 lbs -> 145 lbs (Reset at 10x1+, now on deload working back up)

T2 Bench: 75 lbs -> 120 lbs (Reset once, stuck AGAIN at 3x6, quite possibly the most pathetic progression ever)

T1 OHP: 55 lbs -> 115 lbs (Reset at 10x1+, deloading working back up)

T2 OHP: 55 lbs --> 90 lbs (Reset once, just barely did 3x6)

T1 Squats: 90 lbs -> 190 lbs (Reset once to ensure form, barely completed 6x2 recently)
T2 Squats: 75 lbs -> 155 lbs (reset once, currently on 3x10)

T1 Deadlift: 110 lbs -> 270 lbs (Didn't reset yet, just barely did 5x3)

T2 Deadlift: 80 lbs -> 225 lbs (Didn't reset yet, barely completed 3x6)

I am incredibly upset about my bench progress which I think is abnormally low compared to how much I'm able to OHP. I've posted form checks, gotten coaching, checked my diet and sleep but literally no dice with bench especially.

I follow vanilla GZCLP routine 4x a week, with 3 T3s added per workout day one to target each group including core. I have taken several rest weeks of zero lifting and include light cardio throughout the week.

Only things I can point to with slow progression is how I recently switched to adding 5 lbs for both upper and lower exercises instead of 10 lbs for lower. Perhaps I need more volume with more T3s or T2s? Other than that I'm at a loss for what makes me so weak. I'm at the point now where adding more weight is becoming very close to not possible as my recent squat / bench / deadlift numbers I was truly grinding to push out the rep scheme. Maybe I don't understand what truly is to push myself but I feel like I am?

What am I doing wrong or are my genetics just this dogshit?