What are some weapons you want to see added to halo infinite?

I like this game but there are some weapons from previous games that I think would be really cool here.

First up o have the sticky detonator because it's just hilarious. I didn't play halo 4 that much but this little thing was always fun to use and I'd like to see it make a return.

Next up, a PROPER SHOTGUN. Don't get me wrong, I like the bulldog but it lacks the style that the old shotgun had. Also it can't one shot. Or I'm just bad but either way I still want the old shotgun back.

Then the SAW. It's just a space tommy gun. I like the space tommy gun.

Finally, the needle rifle from halo reach. Hey you! Do you like easy kills with the needler but get frustrated with the lack of range? Well fear not! Now you can harass and blow up people from across the map without getting smacked in the face by a mangler!

That's all I got for now but I'm interested to see what the real halo veterans think should be added.

I like this game but there are some weapons from previous games that I think would be really cool here.

First up o have the sticky detonator because it's just hilarious. I didn't play halo 4 that much but this little thing was always fun to use and I'd like to see it make a return.

Next up, a PROPER SHOTGUN. Don't get me wrong, I like the bulldog but it lacks the style that the old shotgun had. Also it can't one shot. Or I'm just bad but either way I still want the old shotgun back.

Then the SAW. It's just a space tommy gun. I like the space tommy gun.

Finally, the needle rifle from halo reach. Hey you! Do you like easy kills with the needler but get frustrated with the lack of range? Well fear not! Now you can harass and blow up people from across the map without getting smacked in the face by a mangler!

That's all I got for now but I'm interested to see what the real halo veterans think should be added.