[USA-NC][H]iPhone 13 Pro Max 256GB, AirPod Pro V1 Gen 2 Lightning [W]Paypal

Switched back to Android.

iPhone is Unlocked, paid off, and in great shape, 87% battery health. Has been in a case with screen protector since I got it.

Airpods Pro V1 Gen 2 case is used and shows wear, they work great, have small, medium, and large silicone tips unused in the box. Orange tips seen are well used, will likely toss them before shipping. This is the model with Lightning port.

Phone $500 Obo

AirPods $100 Obo

$550 for both shipped USA SOLD to zammyowens3 for $530

Prices shipped will consider offers, and will bundle as well! I love the phone, but got a really great deal on service and a new phone.
