Important Reminders for Safe Trading in 2025!

Greetings! We noticed some recurring issues, and wanted to address them with the community. Please read carefully and apply these practices in your transactions.

Beware of "Too Good to Be True" Deals, they are scams!

  • If a deal seems too good to be true, it probably is. Scammers often prey on hopeful buyers with unbelievably low prices.
  • Beware sellers who are overly eager to close a deal or accept unreasonably low Offers.
  • Double-check usernames, subreddits, and URLs. Scammers will impersonate trusted users, subreddits, and sites.
  • We NEVER ask for card information, test transactions, or access to banking, Discord, or Reddit accounts. If requested, report them immediately.
  • Moderators rarely vouch for other users. If someone claims they are friends with a mod or know the "owner" stop, do not proceed, and notify the moderators immediately!

Check the Universal Scammer List (USL)

  • Before engaging with a user, verify their status on the USL. Please do not contact moderators asking if a user is on the list, and check before asking if a user is a scammer. It is quicker to check it yourself.
  • If you see that a user is not on the list, and is suspect, please report that user!

Reminders for Buying Posts

  • All posts mentioning items for sale or trade, regardless of flair, require proper timestamps.
  • When buying an item, make sure to get timestamps that are clear and follow guidelines before sending payment.
  • When receiving offers, verify that the user has replied "PM" or similar on your post before proceeding. This maintains accountability and ensures the user is not banned.

Safety Tips for all Buyers

  • Again, please request and verify proper timestamps before sending any payment.
  • Never use payment methods like "Friends and Family" for transactions. If a seller claims issues with their PayPal, report them to the moderators.
  • A reminder that tomorrow is a new year, 2025! Ensure all timestamps reflect the proper year as any timestamp for 2024 will be rejected!