[USA-NY] [H] Asus ROG Phone 2 and 5S Pro with Accessories, Broken RTX 3080, Clevo P755DM3-G, Retrotink 5X Pro, Apple Pencil 2nd Generation [W] PayPal
Going through and getting rid of stuff I have laying around to clear up space and make some spare money. All items are open to offers and if you have any questions please feel free to ask!
Asus ROG Phone 2 with cooler and controller, this thing is beat and well worn but it functions. Looking for 120 Shipped. Pics: https://photos.app.goo.gl/MWndgqrMEhsSASNL8
Asus ROG Phone 5S Pro with controller, this isn't as beat as the 2 but still marked up and fully functional. Looking for 220 Shipped. Pics: https://imgur.com/a/Uq83cfr
Broken Gundam RTX 3080, it died while I was playing a game, the screen went black but I could still hear the game. Tried it in multiple systems and no output is given but the card does light up. Looking for 120 shipped. Pics: https://imgur.com/a/TkUnqC8
Clevo P755DM3-G, I've had this around since about 2020 and it is missing the battery. Does include the charger though. Specs- GTX 1080, i5-9600k, 1440p 120Hz G-Sync display, 16gb ram, 250gb ssd. This uses an MXM GPU and has a desktop cpu socket with the bios modded to support 20 series MXM gpus and up to 9th gen CPUs. Looking for 450 Shipped. Pics: https://imgur.com/a/ZDMni63
Retrotink 5X Pro, awesome upscaler, I just don't use it as much anymore and would rather someone get more use out of it. Looking for 220 shipped. Pics: https://imgur.com/a/KoZqwJ8
Apple Pencil 2nd Generation, opened but never used, got it from work. Looking for 50 shipped. Pics: https://imgur.com/a/6uHy8s5