Unpopular opinion but Hermione had a great social life outside of Harry and Ron

Just finished re reading the books (I feel empty) and one thing I noticed now as an adult is how much Hermione had her finger on the pulse at Hogwarts.

Most of her friendships don’t involve Harry so there isn’t much focus, but she’s always the one who loops Harry and Ron in about what’s going on with people in their year/ the school. An example is telling them about the Patil twins’ parents not wanting them to come back to school or her emotional intelligence when it comes to Harry’s romantic ineptitude (both Cho and Ginny).

She also has a deep friendship with Ginny that obviously grew the older and more experienced they got. I loved getting glimpses of it.

I’m only posting this because I’ve seen people describe Hermione as a bookish unpopular girl that didn’t have enough girlfriends and I never got that from her. I think people’s perception of her ‘loneliness’ might be stuck in Philospher’s Stone, when her shyness and isolation honestly made sense bc she was a nerdy, bossy and competitive, Muggle born 11- year old girl thrown into a world she didn’t know existed.

If anything, Harry and Ron are the ones that were isolated. They barely bonded with their roommates other than Neville (and even he had a great (implied) relationship with Hermione considering he asked her to the Yule ball). I think Hermione honestly had a healthy social life and it gets overlooked because the book is essentially from Harry’s perspective.

Edit: expanded on the philospher’s stone point.