I am really tired of these games

Today and tomorrow are my first consecutive days of rest in a long time, on Monday I gave important exams for which I studied and was stressed during December/January ( I do a school closely related to my work) and my SM knows very well because I joyfully updated him of the positive result of one of the exams while I was at work yesterday. I clearly expressed the joy I felt in finally being able to have 2 days off especially after this period and today I decided not to look at my phone completely, as if a sixth sense had been activated in me. I decided not to look at messages on the work group or receive calls from him since the last time he called me he did so under the guise of having a chat and then asking me if next week I could cover the shift at a nearby store on Friday (despite the fact that very week I am on pto)

A little less than an hour ago I finally looked at my phone and saw that he sent me a picture of my performance report from my intake saying "you are a dragon *fire emoji" and it made me very happy and I thanked him. Too bad he called me shortly after that:

Sm "hey what's up?" I in sleepy voice because I was relaxing on the bed "fine thank you" Sm "ah you were sleeping! How nice to work X hours like you! Anyway I wanted to tell you that I have to come to work tomorrow because coworker name is sick and you have to cover the shift ahahahah I always call you for something."

I was silent for a second, in a moment I channeled all the anger I felt toward this umpteenth disrespect ( there are so many) and answered with a firm and firm NO. He reacted in surprise and immediately changed his attitude explaining why he had to ask me and blah blah blah and I interrupted him saying "no sorry, I already have plans tomorrow" and we ended the call.

Tomorrow I don't have any fucking thing planned, I think I'm going to spend the day smoking weed and playing video games because THESE ARE MY FUCKING FREE DAYS from work and study and I've already given enough concessions to this guy, least of all the fact that next week I have to go to the fucking store to cover the shift.

I am so fucking tired of always having to say yes to his every request because my contract expires in March and until then I have had to accommodate the numerous requests but not this time. Of course now I'm terrified that this situation is going to backfire on me because he just before putting the phone down said in a semi-serious tone "okay then I won't call you again."

I started this job in April 2024, it's a nice field that I've aspired to get into for quite some time and it went very well from the beginning, in fact I decided to do this job-related school specifically to secure a better future ( obviously not strictly related to this specific job but to the field it's about, so with very high chances of finding other jobs in the future once I graduate) and I completely changed careers from what I was doing before. I am 30 years old and it has already been difficult to go back to school after so many years, I experienced a difficult 2024 mainly because of the pressure this guy put on me and the uncertainties about my future. I'm so frustrated because today was finally the first day in a long time where I didn't have any negative thoughts in my head and it was ruined and now I'm fanning myself here on reddit to feel better. Fuck it.