Hate my boss, wanna put my two weeks in now instead of wait

I hate my boss so much, she tried to call me out today for having an attitude when she literally has an attitude everyday for the past year which has affected me and all of the customers to the point that many of the customers tell me they’re uncomfortable around her. I have a new job lined up but trying to hold out putting my two weeks in so that it’s right before the new job starts (for more money) but it’s taking everything in me to not just put it in tomorrow and say “I didn’t appreciate how you talked to me yesterday or the past few months. Here’s my two week notice since I make the tension so bad here.” She is the worst boss I’ve ever had and I’ve had bosses that assault my coworkers and let customers assault me and my coworkers with no consequences. We literally sat in silence half of the day since she was so rude to me and I didn’t even look at her for those few hours.

Small edit: this isn’t an update but just wanted to clarify one thing, the only reason I want to put in a two weeks instead of quit outright is because I get paid out my PTO. If it weren’t for that, I would quit without the two weeks.

UPDATE: I put in my two weeks and left it at that. She’s been rude per usual but only one more week then I’m done.