I can't recommend avoiding Hifiman enough
For the sake of your own wallets, please avoid Hifiman like the plague. These things are pieces of hot garbage.
To be clear, I think these things sound amazing. I took the leap and bought Hifiman Ananda Nanos last year and haven't been the least bit disappointed in terms of sound quality. They were exactly what I was looking for (save a bit of sound isolation since I live in the city with my partner, but you cant win them all).
The build quality and durability is hot garbage. I should've really turned back when it took me 2 returns to get a unit that didn't have headphone jack problems on the earcups. This is the second time I've had to get them repaired. And some of the design decisions don't make sense. The leather headband is held on with plastic and cracked only a couple months into owning it. I don't think I'm being particularly rough with it either, I've owned plenty of headphones, cheap and expensive, and I've owned headphones with connections on each ear, and I've never had such problems with durability.
I wish I could've gone back and gotten any thing else.