Is the Year of the Wolf the worst year Hearthstone's ever had, card design-wise?

I find it crazy how every card that's frustrated players recently except Zilliax and Infestor (and even this one is WAY weaker without Death Growl or Yelling Yodeler) is rotating this month. These 3 expansions have had HORRIBLE lows in card design including but not limited to: Tho'grun, Reska, Helya, Prismatic Beam/Showdown, Fizzle, Velarok, Tony, Hedanis, Breakdance, Reno, Pop'gar, Aman'thul, Ignis, Eonar, Jormungar, Sif, Amitus, Forge of Wills, Odyn, Azerite Serpent, and of course the Yogg Titan which was the most op card ever printed on release, ruining both Standard AND Wild.

And the cards I mentioned are far from the only ones that were problematic, let alone the ones that were just "strong" and see play in every deck like Miracle Salesman or others that enabled degenerate combos like Fate Splitter. Has there ever been another year with so many OP cards? I think the year of the Gryphon comes pretty close since it had Guff, The Demon Seed and every thing Stormwind but even then it was just one of the three expansions.