We're spread too thin.
BOT FRONT If you're on the bot front, go to Bekvam III. Liberating Bekvam III will stop the two invasions on Julheim and Charon Prime. If we commit our resources to just Julheim (or just Charon Prime), we won't successfully defend it with how things are going now.
The algorithm and players impact from matches. Julheim, from the predictions, is a total loss, but has 20,000+ players. With how the algorithm works, everyone on Julheim and Charon Prime are making it harder to take any other planets by being there. That's how the math works for this game. We're spread too thin. Consolidate resources.
Successfully liberating Bekvam III is two birds with one stone and we're running out of time.
BUG FRONT If you're on the bug front, Achird III has been at a stalemate for days. We almost had Bore Rock liberated and it's still at a high percentage, in a swing. Just get there and liberate it and that's one more win under super earth (that also, goes towards the E710 fuel for the Penrose siphon). Then, once Bore Rock is liberated, the algorithm may shift and Achird III won't be stuck in a stalemate.
For a breakdown, there are 6,000 divers on Achird III and 3,000 on Bore Rock. Achird III has gotten above 5% in days but bore rock reached 91%. It's dropping very slowly (a rate of 0.60-0.90) with just it's 3,000 divers. Achird III is, once again, at a stalemate. Jump from Achird III to Bore Rock. There's no signs that the stalemate on Achird III is going to be broken. But we were steadily climbing towards Liberation on Bore Rock. Liberate Bore Rock and we'll have one more planet liberated and more fuel for the Penrose siphon to use against the Illuminate.
ILLUMINATE FRONT If you're on the Illuminate front, feel free to stay there to put them into a stalemate. We just need to hold them off for now. If you want to relocate, go for it.
BOT FRONT If you're on the bot front, go to Bekvam III. Liberating Bekvam III will stop the two invasions on Julheim and Charon Prime. If we commit our resources to just Julheim (or just Charon Prime), we won't successfully defend it with how things are going now.
The algorithm and players impact from matches. Julheim, from the predictions, is a total loss, but has 20,000+ players. With how the algorithm works, everyone on Julheim and Charon Prime are making it harder to take any other planets by being there. That's how the math works for this game. We're spread too thin. Consolidate resources.
Successfully liberating Bekvam III is two birds with one stone and we're running out of time.
BUG FRONT If you're on the bug front, Achird III has been at a stalemate for days. We almost had Bore Rock liberated and it's still at a high percentage, in a swing. Just get there and liberate it and that's one more win under super earth (that also, goes towards the E710 fuel for the Penrose siphon). Then, once Bore Rock is liberated, the algorithm may shift and Achird III won't be stuck in a stalemate.
For a breakdown, there are 6,000 divers on Achird III and 3,000 on Bore Rock. Achird III has gotten above 5% in days but bore rock reached 91%. It's dropping very slowly (a rate of 0.60-0.90) with just it's 3,000 divers. Achird III is, once again, at a stalemate. Jump from Achird III to Bore Rock. There's no signs that the stalemate on Achird III is going to be broken. But we were steadily climbing towards Liberation on Bore Rock. Liberate Bore Rock and we'll have one more planet liberated and more fuel for the Penrose siphon to use against the Illuminate.
ILLUMINATE FRONT If you're on the Illuminate front, feel free to stay there to put them into a stalemate. We just need to hold them off for now. If you want to relocate, go for it.