LoadBalancer / HA-Proxy

I have about 200 WordPress websites that I want to host on Heztner cloud servers. I plan that I will distribute these 200 sites on 4 Cloud servers each serving 50 websites. However, I want all the 200 domains to be pointing their DNS A record to a single floating Public IPv4 address only.

Options I though of:

  1. Use load balancer... I presume Loadbalancer have its own Public IPv4 that the DNS A record will point to ?

  2. Use one Cloud VM as HA proxy with the main Public IPv4 which distributes incoming requests to the cloud server containing the website. pls also suggest any better options, apps, config

a) where will the SSL termination happen? I will need auto renewing Let'sEncrypt SSLs to be issued/renewed automatically.
b) Will I need to use one single MySQL instance ?

Pls suggest best possible ways.