Is National Honors Society really that important?

TITLE EDIT: Is National Honors Society that beneficial for your college application?

I decided to join NHS and i came upon a problem. Our volunteering hours requirement is 15 hours per semester. To show proof that we fulfilled this requirement, we need to submit a log on a google classroom assignment. If you did not submit in time you had to complete 5 more hours in the next semester and apparently make up the ones you did not meet in the previous semester. I had finished all of in the previous semester. my 15 hours this semester and i remember turning it in the day it was due (The assignment was due at midnight) during school but 20 minutes after the due date, i realized that i apparently did not (Probably a connection issue).

I panicked a lot so I wrote an email informing my NHS officers of my problem. They unfortunately were not so reluctant to help me.
They first stated that they still cannot accept my proof of me doing the 15 hours as it was late (They stated that there were no exceptions). They also stated that there were a lot of reminders throughout the day, but I didn't really think much of them as I was doing other work by then. As a result, I thought I only had to complete 5 more hours for the next semester (20 hours total).

But then they dropped the bombshell on me when they said that I had to make up all of the 15 hours. Just over a submission 20 minutes late (35 hours total now).
I didn't know how to explain to my parents. They eventually found out and they got furious at me when they thought I had only to do 5 more hours extra (I haven't told them about the 35 hours part yet since I don't want them to crash out).

Is there really any other way I can get my 15 hours accepted? Because it seems to me that now I had done those 15 hours for nothing (I guess I could use them on my college apps now..). Is NHS really worth all of this? I know most people would say its not that good for your college apps but I still want to try and get it on my college app. I know my parents are not going to think of me the same after all of this.