Need guidance
Can I please have some guidance on training my husky around my kids. I’m often alone with my kids and our puppy and the issue is she is SO excited by the kids. She jumps and bites them trying to play. They do not like it one bit. I have to be careful especially with my 1 year old she cannot be left on the ground when puppy is around. My 3 and 5 year old are scared of her and won’t go near her unless she is on a leash. My partner is meant to be on puppy duty most the days since he works from home on a flexible schedule but he has naps every other day and it’s left to me… or just does yard work with her outside not really interacting much… I’m feeling disheartened. I’m trying my best to try to manage and I usually play a lot in the yard with puppy and try to tire her out, do some training and build the bond between us etc. but I feel like idk what I’m doing at all. It’s making me miserable trying to jump between the dog and my kids and the kids can’t even be free in their own home. The dog trainer told me I need to teach my kids how to behave with the puppy and I agree but I can’t stop a 3 and 5 year old from running around and playing in their own house and yard. I feel like my partner made this impulse decision and I’m the only one trying to give our puppy a routine or the attention she needs. Please be kind Im trying to look out for my kids and our puppy. Any way sorry for the vent I’m just looking for tips or advice on how to make it a better routine for everyone. I feel very out of my depth I’ve only had small dogs before like a bichon frise. She is really a sweet dog and I just want to do the best I can.