Kidney diet for fussy eater? (Update on our puppy)
Hi everyone,
I posted a little while ago and was overwhelmed by the comments, so firstly, thank you to everyone who offered advice and shared their story! Will post an update below on what happened to her. Photo in the comments for dog tax.
Kiona, our 8mo female, has been diagnosed with stage 2 kidney disease. The vet told us it is very manageable, as long as she goes onto a kidney diet. Unfortunately she is incredibly fussy. Normally we mix things through her kibble to get her to eat it. So we take the dry food and mix a combination of mince, chicken livers, chicken breast, pumpkin, butternut, sometimes green beans, etc. So she'll get carrots and chicken breast, or pumpkin and mince, etc. We just mix and match because otherwise she refuses to eat. Now that her diet is getting strict we can't do this anymore.
I have been reading up on what she can eat, and since she is fussy (constantly standing by the treats shelf and still eating 'treats' like salmon skins) we are struggling a bit. She isn't not eating because she is ill, she just wants something better. We have given her like little airdried fish (not sardines, I read they are bad) and she eats them. So now I grated two and put it on the kidney kibble, she ate about 8 pieces which was a small win. She loves fish so we are thinking of how we can get her to eat the kidney food without spending a fortune and without adding unhealthy things that will have negative consequences for the kidneys.
Does anyone have a fussy eater who is on a kidney diet? How can we 'sell' the food to her without making is unhealthy or bad for her? Any ideas, advice or stories are greatly appreciated!
A quick update on what happened (so everyone can also learn), Kiona was spayed on Monday 3 March and hadn't eaten for a week. First the vet thought it was emotional and out concerns were that she refused all foods, even treats. She would put it in her mouth, if bite a piece off and drop it. One of the biggest signs was that she was feeling cold (her muzzle and paws/legs).
So what was the issue? We took her for an ultra sound and her right kidney was massive. Her creatinine and urea levels were through the roof, she was in kidney failure. We rushed her to the academic hospital for dialysis, which ended up not being necessary but still. She spent the next 4 days on a drip, running blood tests everyday. Turns out she had a reaction to the anaesthetic from the spay. Her body went into shock, and survival mode, which is why her limbs were cold, but her internal temperature was fine (all the blood went to the organs to try and survive). Now she has stage 2 kidney disease, and we will take her to the vet next week for tests again.