Would You Rather Have $10 Million or…?
Let's say you have a choice between receiving $10 million in cash or one of the following options. Which would you choose?
$10 Million in Cash: A massive sum of money to use however you like—invest it, spend it, or save it.
A Dream Job with a $100K Annual Salary: Your ideal job, where you love what you do every day, and it pays a steady $100K per year.
A Luxurious Mansion in Your Favorite City: A fully paid-for mansion in a city of your choice, complete with all the amenities and no maintenance costs.
A Lifetime Supply of Travel Experiences: Unlimited first-class travel to any destination in the world, with all expenses paid for life.
A Guaranteed 15-Minute Daily Meeting with Any Person of Your Choice: A daily face-to-face (or virtual) meeting with anyone you admire—could be a celebrity, a business mogul, a world leader, or even a historical figure brought to life.