Announcement: Game development posts now belong in r/incremental_gamedev
Hello friends,
Today we're announcing a change in the content policy of this sub that we believe will make most people's experience better.
Since it was created, this sub has welcomed discussion about both games and game development (programming). While it was still relatively small, this worked out well. We believe that it ultimately led a lot of people into game development and these people went on to create many of the games we all love.
However, we believe that we're now at a point where, in order to provide the best experience for both game players and game developers, it's time to move game development into a subreddit of its own.
Starting today, all posts about game development belong only in /r/incremental_gamedev.
Most of the more than 100k users here are not interested in seeing posts about game development. However, we have had feedback indicating that the game developers would benefit from having a place to discuss and share information primarily with other developers. Hopefully, this change makes most people happy. However, if it ends up going poorly after given a reasonable trial period we keep open the possibility of reverting the change.
Though the moderators here are initially also moderators of the new sub, we have added new moderators there that are intended to do the bulk of the day to day work as well as steer the sub in a direction that benefits game developers. These moderators are /u/thepaperpilot, /u/reda-kotob, and /u/akerson. We have full faith in all of them and we expect them to make the sub theirs. Over time we expect the rules and culture to diverge from this sub in a way that most benefits the new sub's intended audience.
The new sub will use the same discord server as this sub. We have already established a strong developer presence there and it has not yet gotten to the point where splitting would make sense.
Here are some examples of topics that go in the new sub:
- programming
- balancing
- monetization strategies
- anything where the audience is intended to be people who create games
Here are some examples of topics that still belong here:
- game announcements
- game updates
- anything where the audience is intended to be people who play games
Finally, we wanted to thank the person who originally created /r/incremental_gamedev, /u/TankorSmash, for transferring the sub to us so that we can make this change to a sub with a logical name.
Edit: I guess my examples weren't great. Only content for and between developers is being moved to the new sub. Almost all the topics people are commenting about losing are not moving.