[Brainstorm] Safety via Technology & Community

I won't repeat what's already in the news. The first time it happened after I had grown up was back in 2012. It was brutal.... public publicized, politicians politicized. Laws were formed, governments were toppled.

It happened again, and again, again, again and now again.

I remember back in 2012, my friend created a document on how to aid women safety, using tech. Credits to him and I feel this is a line of solution worth pursuing.

To avoid discourse on what needs to change.. mindset, patriarchy, laws, please believe that anyone who wishes to meaningfully contribute to this posts understands and agrees with it. If you have a plan in mind, please share and we will see how we can contribute.

This is not a blaming post. It's a post to decide what course of action to take..

How to solve this problem.

And how to do this as citizens...techies, community builders, leaders, victims, concerned friends and families, lawyers, students, scientists, influencers, artists, educationists, psychologists.

How to do this despite all our life situations, time limitations, commitments, political affiliations, disagreements, laziness, priorities.

How to do this not just for this gender or that gender but for all but maybe prioritize the most affected.

Opinions are welcome but please follow it with some suggested next steps. Avoid unnecessary posts please and if you really care, please spend some time thinking about it, before writing.

I feel when we are angry, afraid, sad, we are highly motivated. Let's use this fire and start walking on a path to solution. After that, discipline will help us make progress.

I don't want to restrict your thought process and creativity by defining the problem. But in the interest of having some structured brainstorming, below is where we can get started.

How do we ensure physical safety for everyone, all the time?

It's a utopian dream but it will at least help us take the matters in our own hands and get started.

Thank you!