I didn't like temple of doom

I've never seen any of the movies and decided to start watching them today I watched raiders and loved it but watching temple of doom I just didn't like it that much it did have some cool moments but honestly when the credits began rolling I was so happy I plan on watching the other 3 films throughout the week so no spoilers for crusade skull and dial but im just wondering am I alone in disliking temple of doom or are there any other people that share my thoughts feel free to ask questions on why I didn't like it but my big 3 reasons are #1 I hate willie I know it's a prequel but I just hate her character compared to marion #2 there wasn't enough action for me the bridge scene was like the only part that I really enjoyed #3 the vibe just felt off to me like raiders had amazing characters and locations and plot but doom just let me down

UPDATE just finished watching crusade and omg I loved it just as much if not more than raiders the chemistry between indy and his father is enjoyable I loved the villains and they brought back my man sallah the main villains death scene was awesome I loved the effects only thing that would have made it better is if they had brought back marion but im not disappointed with crusade at all now it's on to skull and dial and I ve heard both movies are pretty bad but im gonna go in not hating on them im not expecting awesome movies nor horrible ones so fingers crossed

UPDATE 2 Just finished crystal skull and I can see why some people didn't like it but All in all I enjoyed it more then temple of doom the chemistry between indy and mutt is fun and I love that they finally brought back marion the whole alien Plot point I wasn't a fan off but other then that I liked it I really liked when the one Russian soilder got dragged into the anthill by the bullet ants and I loved the end with indy and marion getting married and the way that the fedora flew over to mutt and right before he put it on indy just takes it like not yet jr I enjoyed it more then I thought I would all in all I'd rank it a 5.5/6 out of 10

Final update/ranking just finished dial and didn't like it at all the only things I liked was that they brought back marion and sallah and Mads Mikkelsen was a good casting for the main villain but other then that I just didn't like it It's definitely my least favorite of the franchise here's my final ranking

1 the last crusade

2 raiders of the lost ark

3 temple of the crystal skull

4 temple of doom

5 dial of destiny

Just wanted to say thank you to you all for being so kind to a new fan of the franchise