Thoughts on gender, and who we really are all before that
When I was born, I was given a teddy bear.
As I grew and learned language, it felt strange trying to refer to this bear as a “he”, or a “she”.
Assigning it a gender failed to capture its essence, the part that existed before "male" and "female" were even concepts.
But the word for this "essence" doesn’t exist yet- one that describes not just the absence of labels, but an existence before labels ever touched it.
At our core, we are like this bear: something deeper than language or labels. Gender is something that is invented and given to us after we are born, along with rules for how to exist. And many shape their identities and personalities around this title, because that is what we’re told to do.
But before all that, we are.
I wish there was a word for this. A word for the self that exists before any label.
Language shapes our minds. We need words to share new ideas, to give form to things we’ve never fully grasped. Helen Keller described how learning that everything had a name changed her world. The moment something was named, it existed for her.
As an adult, it still feels intrinsically wrong– in a way i can’t quite explain- to call this bear a word that came after it. Not because a word shouldn’t exist, but because the right word doesn’t exist. A word not imposed, but discovered. A word that speaks to what it is, without forcing it to be something it’s not.
(This isn't about religion or politics. It’s simply about the "you" that existed before you were told who to be.)