Be Careful of ENTPs
Based on my experience as an INTJ dealing with ENTP's - They are probably the only type that can take advantage of you - They like to stir up trouble and argue pointlessly always - Because ENTP's are generally lazy, they will be more likely to bring us down since we're so hard working - Honestly hate looking at your fucking Joker smile when we make a mistake
- I know this might not apply to all ENTP's. But based on your cognitive functions, you'd make the perfect troll. Advice for INTJ's if you want to avoid unnecessary betrayal, avoid ENTP. Most ENTPs I've met will give you good advice but if you observe them carefully you can see the resentment in their eyes.
- If you disagree with me, look at your past relationships where you experienced betrayal. ENTP's are probably the only type that persist once you door slam them. They also love to give fake validation, not very honest IMO.
Also, this advice only applies to INTJ's. Because we're so calculating and ambitious, we tend to push people away. Why is it that ENTP's still seek us? It's the exception to the rule that scares me.
Also to ENTP's reading this, you are very opportunistic in your relationships, admit it
There is a way to make the relationship work if you're interested in that stuff. But just know that it will be like trying to make Batman and Joker besties. One has a strong moral fibre and need for control while the other spreads chaos with no rationale and has very few compunctions.