People talk to be cause my dog is really cute
I can’t go for a walk without having to have a social interaction over my dog and it’s so frustrating. I have an 8month old mini poodle puppy and honestly not to brag or anything but he’s unusually cute for a puppy. I’ve had dogs / puppies before but this guy is way cuter and he draws a lot of attention . At 8 months he still looks like a 2 month old puppy.
I love walking him but people stop me to ask about him and try and touch him. Both me and my puppy hate this cause he is an anxious boy and I just don’t want to talk to random people. I’ll cross the street to avoid people but I almost always have a stranger talk to me about him at least once a walk. I just want to walk my buddy in peace and be left alone. Just because I have a dog doesn’t mean I’m friendly. The dog isn’t even friendly. Sorry for the rant
Has anyone experienced anything like this? What should I do ?