I'm getting more sensitive to sensory stimulation
I realized that I'm getting more sensitive to external things. Too much gets me drained. I want to talk to people less, text less, hear people talk less, leave my blinds closed, listen to less loud music, etc. Lately, I've been leaving all blinds/lights off at home (except when necessary), mostly silent (no music, or lofi music at low volume), and just generally needing lots of alone time, peace and quiet. I've always been an introvert, but feel I'm getting more so in these ways.
For context, I'm the type of introvert that swings extremes in both directions - when I'm all charged up, I'll all up for extraverted activities, getting out there, and being social. But after an event like that, I need 1-2 weeks of being solo. Just expressing my thoughts and if anyone has comments/relates, feel free to chime in.