Artists, what's the best app for your drawings paintings? (New to Mac/IpadOs)

These will be my firsts Apple products.
I do religiously use Photoshop for my drawings and paintings.
I have own a Wacom One Pen display and a Wacom Cintiq Pro.
Issue is I can't lay in my other room where my bed is and do loose doodles as both of those Wacoms are anchored to my PC full sized tower and the Cintiq is ungodly heavy anyways.
So, I caved and I just ordered an Ipad Air M3 (512gb) & a Apple Pencil Pro!
I just wanted other artists impressions on doodling on the Ipad. I can't find a ton of info on it.
My questions.

Firstly, would PS still be a good app for drawing? I've heard of Procreate but I have no experience with it and I don't know how it compares.
I assume PS is at least functional for the basics.
- How is the pen pressure sensitivity. Would you say its pretty realistic?
- If a drawing or painting had too many layers would it start to bog down the ipad?
- Pen to screen scratching? I've never pushed so hard as to scratch any of my wacoms but I wanted to make sure.
- Any thing you might want to give a heads up for to some one who doesn't use MacOs/IpadOs?

Just curious to see if anyone had anything to add information wise.
Thanks for your time guys!