Animal welfare in Ireland

Without going into too much detail about how bad the state of our animal welfare is (simply look at @mylovlyhorserescue on Instagram, a situation that occurred tonight has me furious.

My boyfriend found a lurcher who wouldn’t leave his side, this was just after 12am so there was no dog warden answering the phone. He contacted the guards who were completely clueless ? (This is why we need a dedicated garda animal unit), this is unacceptable, what are you supposed to do in a situation like this? We are able to keep him for the night but if we weren’t would he have to be left out on the street ?? Honestly in this day and age you would think that there would be a procedure in place and that services such as the gardai would be informed and know what advice to give the public, not even online is there any information about what to do if a dog is found after hours (I have called and texted all the numbers)