How do we get through this?
I don't want to go to much into my personal life or exact store situation because the circumstances are really identifying, but I need some tips or best practices on how not to lose my self during this process.
I am working in two stores with wildly different teams and environments, with two very different customer bases. I have been yelled at by customers, argued with, and am just mentally drained from having to repeatedly tell people about store closure.
I nearly lost it on the register during two person coverage after a string of customers sharing their grief over the closures.
I am not in a position where I can leave and just keep applying for jobs. I've been applying since January (the worst time to get a job in retail) and I have had two interviews that didn't pan out.
Just, how am I supposed to keep it together everyday? I'm literally on the verge of tears at all times, not just about the closures, but how this job change will negatively affect me over the next year.
I love my store and am upset to leave, but at the same time I can't get out fast enough.